Most schools have already received communication that because of COVID-19 restrictions, the onsite convention scheduled at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center on September 23–25, 2020, has transitioned to an online platform called Whova. To view the benefits of utilizing this platform, please click here.
We are excited to invite your school to attend the 2020 Online Southeast Christian School Convention on September 24–25, 2020. Because the convention has transitioned to an online format and since most other educator conventions have been canceled across the country, this virtual convention will have attendees from many other states
Please be aware of these items:
1) The Whova platform does not allow schools to register all of their attendees at one time. Each faculty/staff member will need to be registered individually. The early-bird registration deadline is September 10.
2) We realize many schools attend the conventions primarily to receive CEUs for certification. Some sponsoring state associations follow a Category A and Category B structure when earning CEUs. This online convention will offer Category A CEUs.
3) Attendees will be able to participate on the Whova web platform or the convention mobile app. Please see the registration letter below for additional information. After registering, attendees can view the agenda, list of speakers, virtual exhibit area, discussion board, virtual meet-up, and other areas on the convention mobile app through the end of the two-day online convention. For those who would like to view the 2020 Southeast Convention Workshop Agenda and the List of Speakers before registering, this information will be available by September 1.
The 2020 Southeast Christian School Convention Registration Information is available by CLICKING HERE.
NCCSA State Office